Preface Institute

Do Boarding Schools check Extra Curricular Activities


Boarding school admissions have become increasingly competitive, with parents seeking the best educational environments for their children. Prestigious boarding schools offer more than just academic excellence; they provide holistic development opportunities that prepare students for future success. The admission process at these institutions is rigorous and multifaceted, evaluating applicants not only on their academic achievements but also on their involvement in extra-curricular activities. This comprehensive approach ensures that students admitted to these schools are well-rounded individuals capable of contributing to and thriving in a dynamic school community.

Extra-curricular activities play a crucial role in the boarding school admissions process. They showcase a student’s passions, interests, and personal qualities beyond academic performance. Participation in these activities demonstrates a student’s ability to balance multiple responsibilities, work collaboratively, and exhibit leadership and resilience. As such, excelling in extra-curricular pursuits can significantly influence admissions decisions, providing students with a competitive edge.

Understanding Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities refer to non-academic pursuits that students engage in outside of their regular school curriculum. These activities encompass a wide range of interests and disciplines, providing opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and community involvement. They are instrumental in shaping a student’s character, enhancing their social skills, and broadening their horizons.

Types of Extra-Curricular Activities

  1. Sports
    • Team Sports: Activities like soccer, basketball, and volleyball foster teamwork, strategic thinking, and physical fitness.
    • Individual Sports: Pursuits such as tennis, swimming, and gymnastics promote discipline, self-motivation, and individual achievement.
  2. Arts
    • Visual Arts: Painting, sculpture, and photography encourage creativity, self-expression, and aesthetic appreciation.
    • Performing Arts: Music, theater, and dance develop public speaking skills, confidence, and artistic talent.
  3. Community Service
    • Volunteering: Involvement in charitable activities and non-profit organizations instills empathy, social responsibility, and civic engagement.
    • Social Initiatives: Leading or participating in fundraising events and advocacy projects highlights a commitment to societal improvement and leadership.
  4. Leadership Roles
    • Student Government: Positions in school councils or student bodies provide experience in governance, policy-making, and representation.
    • Club Leadership: Leading clubs or organizing events demonstrates initiative, organizational skills, and the ability to inspire others.
  5. Clubs and Societies
    • Debate Club: Participation in debates enhances critical thinking, public speaking, and argumentation skills.
    • Science Club: Engaging in scientific exploration and projects fosters curiosity, analytical thinking, and teamwork.
    • Environmental Clubs: Activities focused on sustainability and environmental awareness promote ecological responsibility and activism.

Why Boarding Schools Value Extra-Curricular Activities

Holistic Admissions Approach

Boarding schools adopt a holistic admissions approach to identify students who will thrive in their diverse and demanding environments. This approach looks beyond academic records to consider the whole student, including their character, interests, and contributions to their communities. Extra-curricular activities are a key component of this evaluation, as they provide insights into a student’s personality, values, and potential.

Showcasing Passions and Interests

Extra-curricular activities offer a window into a student’s passions and interests. They reveal what excites and motivates a student, providing a more complete picture of who they are. This information helps admissions committees understand how a student might contribute to the school community and what unique perspectives they might bring.

Skills and Personal Qualities Developed

  1. Leadership: Through leading teams, clubs, or initiatives, students develop leadership skills, learning to motivate and guide others while making strategic decisions.
  2. Teamwork: Participation in group activities fosters collaboration, communication, and conflict resolution skills, which are essential in any community setting.
  3. Time Management: Balancing academics with extra-curricular commitments teaches students how to manage their time effectively, prioritize tasks, and handle stress.
  4. Resilience: Overcoming challenges and learning from failures in extra-curricular activities builds resilience, perseverance, and the ability to adapt to new situations.

How Extra-Curricular Activities Influence Admissions Decisions

Role of Admissions Committees

Admissions committees at boarding schools meticulously evaluate each application, looking for students who not only excel academically but also contribute to their communities through extra-curricular activities. They seek individuals who demonstrate a balance of interests, leadership potential, and a commitment to personal growth.

Depth Versus Breadth

Admissions officers value both depth and breadth in a student’s extra-curricular involvement. Depth refers to the level of commitment and progression in specific activities, while breadth encompasses a variety of interests. A student who has deeply engaged in a few activities, showing sustained effort and achievement, is often viewed more favorably than one who has briefly participated in numerous activities.

Notable Achievements and Recognitions

Achievements and recognitions in extra-curricular activities can significantly enhance an application. Awards, championships, and other forms of recognition serve as tangible evidence of a student’s dedication, talent, and impact. They demonstrate that the student has excelled in their pursuits and has been acknowledged by their peers or external organizations.

Passion, Dedication, and Impact

Admissions officers look for evidence of passion, dedication, and impact in a student’s extra-curricular activities. They seek students who have not only participated in activities but have also shown genuine enthusiasm and commitment. Additionally, they value students who have made a positive impact on their communities, whether through leadership, innovation, or service.

Showcasing Extra-Curricular Involvement in Applications

Application Essays

Application essays are a critical component of boarding school applications. They provide an opportunity for students to narrate their experiences, reflect on their personal growth, and articulate their passions. When writing about extra-curricular activities, students should focus on specific experiences, highlighting the skills they developed and the impact they made. Personal stories and reflections can make essays more compelling and memorable.


Resumes should be structured to effectively showcase a student’s extra-curricular involvement. Each activity should be listed with clear descriptions of the student’s role, responsibilities, and achievements. Quantifying achievements, such as the number of events organized or the amount of funds raised, can add credibility and impact.


Interviews provide a platform for students to articulate their experiences and showcase their enthusiasm and commitment. Students should be prepared to discuss their extra-curricular activities in detail, explaining why they chose to participate in them, what they learned, and how they contributed. Practicing with mock interviews can help students feel more confident and articulate during the actual interview.

Providing Evidence of Achievements

Supporting documentation, such as certificates, letters of recommendation, and portfolios, can provide evidence of a student’s achievements and contributions. These documents should be carefully selected to highlight the most significant and relevant experiences. Letters of recommendation from mentors, coaches, or supervisors can provide valuable third-party validation of a student’s character and accomplishments.

Quality Over Quantity

When listing extra-curricular activities, quality is more important than quantity. Admissions officers are more interested in meaningful and sustained involvement in a few activities than superficial participation in many. Students should focus on highlighting activities that align with their passions and demonstrate their commitment and impact.

Balancing Extra-Curricular Activities and Academics

Time Management Strategies

Balancing extra-curricular activities and academics requires effective time management. Students should create a schedule that allocates time for both academic work and extra-curricular pursuits. Prioritizing tasks, setting deadlines, and using tools like planners or digital calendars can help students stay organized and on track.

Prioritizing Passions and Strengths

Students should focus on activities that align with their passions and strengths. Pursuing activities they genuinely enjoy will keep them motivated and engaged. Additionally, choosing activities that highlight their strengths can help students excel and make a significant impact.

Maintaining Academic Performance

Maintaining academic performance is crucial, even while engaging in extra-curricular activities. Students should ensure they dedicate sufficient time to their studies and seek help if they struggle with their coursework. Balancing both academics and extra-curriculars can demonstrate a student’s ability to manage multiple responsibilities effectively.

Setting Realistic Goals and Seeking Support

Setting realistic goals for both academic and extra-curricular pursuits can help students avoid burnout. Students should aim for progress rather than perfection and celebrate their achievements along the way. Seeking support from mentors, teachers, and peers can provide guidance and encouragement.


Extra-curricular activities are a vital component of the boarding school admissions process. They provide a holistic view of a student’s character, passions, and potential, offering valuable insights beyond academic performance. By engaging in meaningful and sustained extra-curricular pursuits, students can develop essential skills, showcase their unique qualities, and stand out in the competitive admissions landscape. Parents should support their children in pursuing their interests genuinely and passionately, fostering their growth as well-rounded individuals who can contribute to a vibrant and dynamic school community.

Top Boarding Schools

Mayo College Boys and Girls

Mayo College Boys

Mayo College Boys, located in Ajmer, is one of India’s oldest and most prestigious boarding schools. The school emphasizes a balanced education, where academics are complemented by a wide array of extra-curricular activities.

  1. Sports: Mayo College Boys boasts extensive sports facilities, encouraging participation in cricket, hockey, football, polo, and equestrian sports. The school looks for applicants who have demonstrated dedication and achievement in sports, valuing the discipline and teamwork these activities foster.
  2. Arts: The school offers rich programs in visual and performing arts. Students involved in painting, sculpture, music, or theater are appreciated for their creativity and cultural contribution.
  3. Leadership and Clubs: Leadership roles in student government and active participation in various clubs such as the debate club, science club, and nature club are highly regarded. These roles reflect a student’s initiative, leadership, and ability to work collaboratively.

Mayo College Girls

Mayo College Girls, also in Ajmer, shares the same ethos as its male counterpart, promoting a well-rounded education.

  1. Sports: The school offers a robust sports program, encouraging girls to participate in athletics, swimming, tennis, and other sports. Commitment and success in these areas demonstrate a student’s resilience and teamwork.
  2. Arts and Culture: Mayo College Girls values artistic talents in music, dance, drama, and visual arts, providing platforms for students to showcase their skills. Participation in cultural activities highlights creativity and cultural awareness.
  3. Community Service: The school encourages community service and social initiatives, looking for students who have engaged in meaningful volunteer work and leadership roles in community projects. These activities reflect empathy, social responsibility, and leadership.

The Doon School

The Doon School in Dehradun is one of India’s most prestigious all-boys boarding schools, known for its rigorous academic curriculum and diverse extra-curricular opportunities.

  1. Sports: The Doon School places a strong emphasis on sports, offering a variety of activities such as cricket, football, boxing, and squash. Achievements in these sports are highly regarded as they reflect physical fitness, strategic thinking, and teamwork.
  2. Cultural Activities: The school’s cultural program includes music, drama, debating, and art. Students who excel in these areas demonstrate creativity, confidence, and a well-rounded personality.
  3. Leadership: Leadership development is a cornerstone of Doon’s education philosophy. Positions in the school’s student council, clubs, and societies are seen as indicators of a student’s ability to lead and influence positively.
  4. Community Service: Doon students are actively involved in social service projects, and the school values this commitment to community well-being. These activities develop a sense of empathy and social responsibility.

Welham Girls’ School and Welham Boys’ School

Welham Girls’ School

Welham Girls’ School in Dehradun focuses on nurturing independent and confident young women through a balanced education that includes significant extra-curricular involvement.

  1. Sports: The school encourages participation in a range of sports, including basketball, hockey, and athletics. Success in these activities showcases physical fitness and teamwork skills.
  2. Arts and Performing Arts: Welham Girls’ offers extensive programs in music, dance, and theater. Students who are actively involved in these areas are appreciated for their creativity and artistic talents.
  3. Community Engagement: Active participation in community service and social initiatives is highly valued. These activities highlight a student’s commitment to social causes and leadership.
  4. Leadership and Clubs: The school encourages leadership through roles in student government and various clubs. Leadership roles and active club participation demonstrate initiative, organization, and the ability to collaborate.

Welham Boys’ School

Welham Boys’ School, also in Dehradun, shares a similar philosophy, emphasizing a well-rounded education.

  1. Sports: Welham Boys’ has a strong sports program, including cricket, football, and basketball. Participation and achievement in sports are seen as indicators of discipline and teamwork.
  2. Cultural and Artistic Pursuits: The school supports various cultural activities, including music, drama, and art. Students excelling in these areas demonstrate creativity and a passion for the arts.
  3. Community Service: Engagement in community service projects is encouraged, showcasing a student’s empathy and commitment to societal betterment.
  4. Leadership and Clubs: Leadership roles in school and active participation in clubs are highly regarded, reflecting a student’s initiative, leadership skills, and collaborative abilities.

Lawrence School, Sanawar

Lawrence School, Sanawar, located in the foothills of the Himalayas, is one of the oldest boarding schools in Asia. The school is committed to developing well-rounded individuals through a mix of academic and extra-curricular activities.

  1. Sports: The school has a rich sports culture, offering activities like athletics, basketball, and mountaineering. Success in sports is valued as it reflects physical fitness, perseverance, and teamwork.
  2. Arts and Music: Lawrence School supports extensive arts and music programs. Students who excel in these areas demonstrate creativity and cultural appreciation.
  3. Community Service: Active involvement in community service is highly regarded, showcasing a student’s empathy and commitment to social causes.
  4. Leadership and Clubs: Leadership roles in various student bodies and clubs are encouraged. Participation in these roles highlights leadership potential and organizational skills.

Woodstock School

Woodstock School in Mussoorie is known for its diverse and inclusive community. The school values extra-curricular activities as essential for holistic development.

  1. Sports: Woodstock offers a range of sports, including soccer, basketball, and rock climbing. Participation in these sports showcases a student’s teamwork, dedication, and physical endurance.
  2. Arts and Performing Arts: The school has strong programs in music, theater, and visual arts. Students excelling in these areas are appreciated for their artistic talents and creativity.
  3. Community Service: Woodstock students are encouraged to engage in community service projects. Such involvement demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and empathy.
  4. Leadership and Clubs: Leadership roles in student organizations and active participation in clubs are highly valued, reflecting a student’s initiative and collaborative skills.

Hopetown Girls’ School

Hopetown Girls’ School in Dehradun focuses on providing a balanced education that includes substantial extra-curricular involvement.

  1. Sports: The school promotes participation in various sports, including athletics, basketball, and tennis. Success in these activities reflects physical fitness and teamwork skills.
  2. Arts and Music: Hopetown offers extensive programs in the arts and music. Students involved in these areas demonstrate creativity and cultural appreciation.
  3. Community Service: The school values community service, encouraging students to engage in social initiatives. Participation in these activities highlights empathy and leadership.
  4. Leadership and Clubs: Leadership roles in student government and active participation in clubs are highly regarded, showcasing initiative, organizational skills, and the ability to collaborate.

Unison World School

Unison World School in Dehradun emphasizes the importance of extra-curricular activities in developing well-rounded individuals.

  1. Sports: The school offers a variety of sports, including basketball, swimming, and athletics. Achievements in sports demonstrate dedication, teamwork, and physical fitness.
  2. Arts and Performing Arts: Unison supports strong programs in music, dance, and visual arts. Students who excel in these areas are appreciated for their artistic talents and creativity.
  3. Community Service: Engagement in community service projects is encouraged, showcasing a student’s empathy and commitment to societal betterment.
  4. Leadership and Clubs: Leadership roles in various student bodies and clubs are highly valued, reflecting a student’s initiative, leadership skills, and collaborative abilities.

Ecole Globale International Girls’ School

Ecole Globale International Girls’ School in Dehradun focuses on holistic education, emphasizing the importance of extra-curricular activities.

  1. Sports: The school offers a range of sports, including basketball, volleyball, and equestrian sports. Success in these activities showcases physical fitness, teamwork, and perseverance.
  2. Arts and Music: Ecole Globale supports extensive programs in the arts and music. Students involved in these areas demonstrate creativity and artistic talents.
  3. Community Service: The school encourages students to participate in community service projects, reflecting empathy and social responsibility.
  4. Leadership and Clubs: Leadership roles in student government and active participation in clubs are highly regarded, showcasing initiative, organizational skills, and the ability to collaborate.

Preface Institute: Guiding Your Child to Success

At Preface Institute, we are dedicated to helping students achieve admission to their dream schools. Our mission is to provide personalized coaching, application guidance, and interview preparation to ensure that each student presents their best self in their applications. We offer a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of each student, from crafting compelling application essays to honing interview skills.

Our proven track record speaks for itself, with numerous success stories from parents and students who have benefited from our expertise. By partnering with Preface Institute, parents can navigate the competitive admissions process with confidence, knowing their children are receiving the best possible support and guidance.

Call to Action

If you are interested in learning more about how Preface Institute can help your child succeed in the boarding school admissions process, we invite you to contact us for a consultation. Visit our website to explore additional resources and articles on boarding school admissions. We also encourage parents to share their experiences or questions in the comments section, fostering a supportive community. Let Preface Institute be your partner in securing a bright future for your child. To start your journey with us, click here.

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