Preface Institute

St Peter’s School- Panchgani


Founded in 1904, St. Peter’s School initially served the educational needs of European and Anglo-Indian children, with its roots traced back to 1902 when the Colonial and Continental Society of London laid its foundations. However, due to delayed construction, the school operated as the boys’ section of Kimmins School, Panchgani, until the completion of its present campus.

In 1904, following the finalization of the ‘Main Building,’ the boys were relocated to the newly constructed campus, officially named ‘St. Peter’s School.’ Originally intended for Anglo-Indian children of the Anglican faith, the school has embraced boys of diverse faiths and communities since its early years, fostering a cosmopolitan atmosphere without bias.

In contemporary times, St. Peter’s School boasts a diverse student body representing various communities, religious backgrounds, denominations, and, in some instances, nationalities. This harmonious coexistence reflects a large, happy family living and learning together.

The school’s commitment extends beyond academics, aiming to nurture the all-round development and harmonious living of its students while preparing them for the challenges of the outside world. In the dormitories, they form a familial bond, share the same meals in the dining hall, don identical uniforms in the classroom, and learn the values of sportsmanship, fair play, and resilience on the sports field. The ethos at St. Peter’s revolves around instilling the spirit of ‘never giving up.’ Below is a chronological history of St. Peter’s, documenting its evolution over the years.

At St. Peter’s, academic excellence is encouraged and ensured. We seek a class of bright, energetic and driven students that will take advantage of our faculty, diverse resources, varied opportunities and multi-faceted campus.


St. Peter’s actively promote and guarantee academic excellence. School is  always in search of a cohort of intelligent, dynamic, and motivated students who will leverage the  experienced faculty, diverse resources, a spectrum of opportunities, and a multi-faceted campus.

The curriculum aligns with the standards set by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi, for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (I.C.S.E) Examinations.

Each subject presented to students is crafted to encourage them to step beyond conventional boundaries, think innovatively, and pioneer the ideas of tomorrow.

Co-curriculum and Extra Curriculum

They offer a comprehensive range of activities for Student   throughout the three terms, including curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular pursuits. Within the curricular domain, activities unfold within classrooms, laboratories, workshops (prescribed courses), subject teaching, classroom experiments, scientific observations, library sessions, and Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW). These engagements satisfy curiosity, facilitate the acquisition of new knowledge, and contribute to intellectual development.

Co-curricular activities encompass games, mass drill, story-telling, elocution, dramatics, debates, morning assemblies, and campus and neighborhood cleanliness initiatives. Events such as Independence Day, Republic Day, Constitution Day, Children’s Day, and Teachers Day play a crucial role in fostering leadership qualities, teamwork, and social and emotional development.

In the realm of extracurricular activities, various clubs—including the robotics club, cookery club, gardening club, soft toys making club, photography club, spell bee, Olympiads, among others—provide platforms for students to refine and showcase their talents.



Boasting a legacy spanning a century, the St. Peter’s Library stands as a haven for avid readers and book enthusiasts seeking an escape. Majestic wooden bookshelves, adorned with a diverse array of books, expansive atlases, well-worn hardcovers, journals, magazines, textbooks, and encyclopedias, encircle the vintage lacquered tables.

Fitness Center

We encourage our senior students  to sweat out their study stress in the St Peter’s Gym, equipped with state-of-the-art machinery for a full all- round body workout.

Under the guidance of the Sports Instructor, students built their muscles and follow their routines to make the best use of this space provided for exercise.

Counseling  Center

Acknowledging the growth and evolving needs of our students, they recognize the importance of having a supportive presence for them. Whether a student is missing their parents or seeking advice, we are here to bring calm to the storms, clear away the clouds, discover rays of hope, and ensure their smiles shine brightly.

Accessible throughout the day, the St. Peter’s Counseling Centre is dedicated to extending a helping hand and a sympathetic ear to our students. The center provides valuable guidance on study skills, time management, and personal matters.

Exchange Programme

St. Peter’s embraces the belief in challenging students by encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones and embrace the wider world. In line with this philosophy, we have established a student exchange program, offering students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a completely new environment and engage in a rich intercultural learning experience.New cultures, new languages, new friends, and a new family await. It’s a home away from home. In collaboration with Stedelijk College, Eindhoven (Netherlands),  students have the opportunity to exchange houses and schools. Host families become ambassadors of their culture, creating an enriching experience that broadens perspectives, builds self-confidence, and establishes a platform for the exchange of values and mindsets, benefiting both the visiting student and the host family. The exchange program is transformative, encouraging your child to embody the principle of ‘Be the type of person you want to meet.’

Admission Process

St. Peter’s School implements a thorough admission procedure, necessitating candidates to undergo an entrance examination covering subjects like Mathematics, English, and Hindi. This extensive assessment aims to holistically evaluate each student’s academic proficiency. Post the written test, the school conducts a personalized interview, delving into the candidate’s interpersonal skills, communication acumen, and suitability for the school’s ethos. This meticulous process underscores not only academic excellence but also prioritizes the holistic development of students, fostering a diverse and capable student community within the enriching educational ambiance of St. Peter’s School.


Crucial Support from Preface Institute

Preface Institute serves as an invaluable pillar of support for students to get into St. Peter’s School  by providing essential tools like mock papers, which emulate exam conditions and facilitate effective preparation. These simulated assessments not only gauge a student’s understanding but also instill confidence by familiarizing them with the examination environment. Additionally, the institute employs diverse teaching patterns, ensuring a dynamic learning experience that caters to various learning styles. This adaptability fosters a comprehensive understanding of subjects, allowing students to grasp concepts more thoroughly.

Furthermore, Preface Institute distinguishes itself through innovative teaching methodologies that go beyond conventional approaches. By incorporating creative and engaging techniques, students are not only better equipped to absorb information but also develop critical thinking skills. This multifaceted approach not only prepares students for exams but also nurtures a lifelong love for learning. In essence, Preface Institute’s commitment to mock papers, diverse teaching patterns, and innovative methodologies collectively shapes a supportive educational environment that empowers students on their academic journey.

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